MR. NON-PC - When Will The Majority Accept The Devastation The CovidCult Has Caused???

2 years ago

It's the biggest question that the majority still doesn't wanna answer nor acknowledge "When Will The Majority Accept The Devastation The CovidCult Has Caused???" but Mr. NON-PC isn't afraid to answer it.

From small businesses being shuttered and ruined, to thousands dying from the "Easy Bake Oven Vaccine" to the economic meltdown and the dumbing down of children and adults alike...the devastation of the CovidCult is endless in its consequences!

But things can change for the better...and it's ONLY if the majority begin to ADMIT and ACKNOWLEDGE the destruction and devastation the CovidCult has caused and DEMAND financial compensation!!!

Not only that but the American public MUST also know that the "Emergency Powers Act" continues to be renewed (Just as the Patriot Act from 2001 until present has been) month by month, so they can bring back the "Emergency" anytime they wish.

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