Are You The Real Deal?

2 years ago

Zirconiaism. This is Kat's new fave (made-up) word to describe when someone is not genuine🙃. A cubic zirconia is a substitute for a diamond. But it's NOT a real diamond. When someone isn't being authentic, they're like that stone. They appear to be something they're not. They may look and sound good, but they're NOT the real deal.

Sometimes it's hard to tell the real from the fake.

Are you being authentic in your own life? What about those around you? Can you trust that they're being who they really are? How can we begin to live authentically?

Thanks for stopping by. Invite you to check out Kat's latest post where she shares her own struggles in this area and the One way she's learned that helps. Please feel free to like, share, or comment below. Would love to connect with you.
Humor. Heart. Hope.

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