The globalist elite world leaders AND their "gods"

2 years ago

We must never forget that the globalist elite world leaders have aligned themselves with the god of this world meeting In secrecy to usher everyone in a New World Order while they sacrifice humans and call it fake or art like the cern rituals in the tunnel and in front of the Kala statue. No body, no case.
God bless Alex Jones for the work he’s done for decades trying to warn the people of this galactic invasion for our souls while our wicked leaders are actually warlocks and witches worshiping ancient demons 🦉🪐🌟🌈⚔️🧌👽☠️ These are the children of the devil, the fallen ones, as soulless shadows devouring the souls of innocent, and I believe they are after the very fabric of humanity, to mutilate and demoralize and cannibalism is already in the Netflix predictive menu, they are after the innocent… ti stop the bloodlines. We must protect the family and shut down satanism by exposing it for what it is EVIL!

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