Every Knee will Bow and Every Tongue Confess that Jesus is Lord

4 years ago

The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, declares that every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

This is the first session of Richard’s “Irrefutable Proof of Universal Reconciliation” course which is available for credit on LiveFaith.TV.

Philippians 2:9-11 – Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth;
And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Is this verse to be understood as clearly as it reads, or is there something we are missing? What is the “name above every name” and what does that mean? Is this bowing and confessing genuine, from the heart – or is it a forced submission at the Great White Throne when judgment is dished out? What are “all things in heaven, and in earth, and under the earth? Why Is God depicted as the Father here?

This video on Philippians 2:9-11 will help you answer those questions, direct from God’s Word itself. We look at the key words used and consider who “every knee” and “every tongue” refers to.

Join Richard for an in-depth look into this section of Scripture. See how it fits with God’s purpose in creation, to become “All in all.”

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