My Video Setup - The Lighting

4 years ago

My Video Setup - The Lighting

1. This was my lighting system when I started making videos. Just these two lamps. I also only use daylight 100 watt equivalent light bulbs like this 5000K light from the dollar store. The lamps I already owned. The bulb is about $3 US.
2. Next, I added this clamp light and tripod so I could get lighting from the front. The two lamps were sitting on high shelves on both sides of the table. The tripod was $15 US and the clamp light was $11 US.
3. At the same time, I also bought this camcorder light which has the correct connector for the tripod. However, I preferred the light quality from the clamp light.
4. This is how I connect the tripod and clamp light together. It's a little clunky but actually works quite well.
5. Here are some of the miscellaneous items I've bought over the last year.
6. On the left are a couple of 2-way splitters that I got at the local dollar store. They work quite well with a clamp light to double the illumination.
7. In the middle, are three tripod head mounts at $6 US each. One of them is attached to the top part of a 10 inch clamp light.
8. On the right, are two 3-way splitters from e-bay for $5 US each. They will not work when a reflector is attached but will work well without it. The clamp on the right belongs to the 10" reflector in the middle.
9. Here is a close-up of the two right-hand items to see how they are connected. This 10 inch reflector went with this clamp system. However, the 3-way splitters would not work with the reflector in place so I split them up.
10. Here is my current lighting system. The Box lights were $25 US each and the tripods were $15 US each.
11. Each Box light system came with a 4-way bulb extension and a diffusion screen.
12. Here is the connection to the tripod. I will show how to connect them together.
13. To make the connection even more solid, I use the top plate from the tripod head mounts to seal the top.

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