Definition and meaning of the word "freeze"

2 years ago

Dictionary meaning, definition, and pronunciation of the word freeze.
Includes synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, hypernyms, as well as examples of common use.

Synonyms include: frost, freezing, halt, stop dead, freeze out, freeze down, suspend, block, immobilize, immobilise
Antonyms include: boil, unblock, unfreeze, free, release
Hypernyms include: limitation, restriction, cold weather, cooling, chilling, temperature reduction, phase change, phase transition, state change, physical change, pause, stand still, solidify, change, alter, modify, change state, turn, interrupt, break, withhold, keep back, suffer, anesthetize, anaesthetize, anesthetise, anaesthetise, put to sleep, put under, put out, act, behave, do

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