17 Signs He Loves You Deeply! (#4 Is BIG!)

4 years ago

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17 Signs He Loves You Deeply

The truth is you’re probably here reading this right now because you’re not sure if your man loves you. You’re looking for signs he loves you deeply.

One of the skills I teach women is how to read a man signs. Because you want to be able to interpret how he’s acting – and understand what he’s feeling.

Why doesn’t he tell you he deeply loves you?

First off, you probably wonder why don’t men tell you they love you more. The fact is that men simply don’t express their emotions as often as women do.

Now, that should be enough of an answer. It’s a fact. Men don’t express the same way women do.

But almost every single woman wishes he would. And probably wants to change a guy so that he will.

If you cling to this desire for men to behave like you – or other women – you will always be unhappy. The key to finding happiness with a man is to understand that he will never do everything the way you want him to.

If you try to change him, he will probably leave eventually.

Does he feel safe talking to you?

Most men would talk more about their feelings if they felt safe doing so. I’m going to come back to this in a bit because it’s such an important point that you don’t want to miss it.

A lot of men are nervous about revealing their emotions because they are afraid of saying them wrong. He does want to express love, he just never wants to look like a fool for doing so.

And if you think about it, what would him saying he loves you really prove?

Can you believe every word a man says? You know that you can’t. Not because “every man is a liar,” but because he won’t always express every emotion he feels.

So ultimately the best way to figure out if he loves you – deeply loves you – is to know how to read him better than he knows himself.

Let’s get into the signs right now…

Sign 1: He goes for PDA more than you do…

One of the best signs a man is deeply in love with you and into you is when he is the one seeking more physical contact. (PDA is “public displays of affection”)

When a man is affectionate physically, that means he is also emotionally connected to you.

A man equates love with physical intimacy.

Which means that if he doesn’t feel physically connected to you, he’s going to feel unsafe and disconnected. And he’s going to put up walls between you.

And yes this also means sexually. This is where many women make a huge mistake.

When you withhold any kind of sexual intimacy from your man, he will interpret it to mean that you do not love him. He gets this message right away, even if it’s not the message you’re intending to send.

There’s a great scene in a movie where a man and a woman are shown in their therapy sessions. Each is talking to their therapist separately.

MAN: “We hardly have sex at all. Like three times a week.”

WOMAN: “We have sex all the time. Like three times a week.”

It’s a perfect example of how men and women think differently about sex. Our appetites are different, and our interpretations are different.

So when a man is trying to get more physical affection than you, you can bet that he is deeply in love and wants that connection.

Sign 2: You catch him with the googly eyes…

One of the things a man has a hard time controlling is his gaze. You’ve probably experienced this when he looks at other women, sure.

But you should also be on alert for when he’s looking at you that way. You’d be surprised, he’s probably doing it more often than you think. If you’re not tuned in and watching for it, you could miss it.

If you catch him staring at you for no reason, that’s a sign he’s feeling drawn to you, and attracted to you.

That deep love is still there.

Sign 3: When he goes out of his way for your ...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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Signs He Loves You Deeply

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