Relisted Vid?! Did it Recover?

4 years ago

This is the 2nd Part to a series where I unlisted my top performing YouTube video for 48 hours. I wanted to know the impact on my channel if I lost the video with the most views and highest click-through rate. I did not deleted the video, but I switched it to "unlisted" for a 48 hour period, the duration tracked be YouTube Realtime analytics. I also removed it from all playlists so it would not have any public presence.

Part 1 of the series is HERE:

In this video, I look at the after-effects of unlisting my top video, with a detailed look at YouTube analytics as well as checking incognito search results on multiple search platforms.

The video I unlisted is titled ASRock B450M Pro4 Motherboard Installation | Ryzen 5 2600X Build, Part 4
It is available to view HERE:

Even though the results of this experiment are somewhat predictable, if you want to see 10 minutes of analytics deep dive, jump right in... I found this to be an interesting exercise that taught ME a few things about YouTube statistical data!

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