Dr. Ronnie Jackson - Biden Won't Last Another Two Years, 3883

2 years ago

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Good evening, I’m still reporting on coup.

One hundred years from now, when historians look back at this sad portion of American history, they will ask each other why the Democrats nominated the weakest, most senile of all possible Democrat politicians, to run for President, and then followed that up with the most inept candidate they could possibly find for his backup plan – as Vice President of the United States.

To those who follow Congressional politics closely, it is clear that no matter what the fake polls say, Democrats will be swept out of the offices of power in November from the County Courthouse to the United States Congress, but , it was only this week that their guiding star, the New York Times, started openly questioning the fitness of the leader of the Desperados to serve another day.

Maria Bartiromo led off her show this morning with the former White House Physician for the previous three presidents, Bush, Obama and Trump.

[Insert to: “… at great risk right now.”]

Well said Dr. Jackson. If Trump returns , it won’t be until Jan. 20, 2025. That’s a long, long way away, and there is still a lot of damage that will be done. Making huge gains 100 days from now can blunt the damage considerably, but most of those in power today don’t care about being saddled with the blame on down the road; their only goal is to destroy the freedom-loving United States before they lose their grip on the levers of power.


I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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