Dr David Martin | Attorney General Document

2 years ago

Attorney General Document

Dr David Martin:

"It is illegal to make anyone participate in an experimental programme using coercion. That is in fact how in US law we are actually embraced in US Law, the Nuremberg Code. So coercion is illegal.

When "Forced to do something that they would not otherwise do", that is not only coercion but domestic terrorism.

Take those two laws, and when they are met with somebody telling them they're supposed to get the shot, actually ask the person and record the conversation, and ask if they are in fact violating 21 code of federal regulation Section 50.23 and 24. Are you interested in doing a civil violation of the law?

And if they say yes, they're cool with that. Then say, are you willing to violate 17 US Code Section 2331, which says that it is illegal to coerce the population and that is a felony, and the felony has a 99 year prison term.

All of them contain a 99 year prison term and up to a 100 million dollar fine. The 100 million dollar fine would be for an institution.

So it's actually a big deterrent, and as we have been manipulated and coerced as a population, we now need to take the offensive position and say stand up, be informed, and provide the eight felony counts that you can ask any employer, any business, and anybody who's trying to push the mandate - which one of these felonies do you want to now be liable for?"

Attorney General Document

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