跟随耶稣的人应该从事什么样的工作/职业?(Warningthepeople)What Kind of Job/Vocation Should a Follower of Jesus Work?

2 years ago

SOURCE原视频 https://youtu.be/TEXiTtPk5lc

POSTED BY Warningthepeople







What Kind of Job/Vocation Should a Follower of Jesus Work?
There is not some sort of set formula for the sort of work that a Christian aught to work once he comes out of the world. When Jesus called me out of the world of course I had to leave my position as a paid pastor because it was directly against the work of the Holy Spirit to be a paid pastor in a Baptist Church, and calling people that that wicked church. So, I did have to leave my friends, my family that were at that church and the whole church itself in order to really follow Jesus and to live upright. But not everyone’s situation is the same, none of us are “cookie-cutter” situations. All of us are different and sometimes the Lord asks us to leave a place we are at, and sometimes He asks us to say. You can’t just think that there is this formula to follow that everyone follows if they come to the Lord Jesus and want to follow Him. You have to really be hearing from the Holy Spirit to know which direction to go, and as you pray and ask for clarity, He will give you that clarity and then you just have to follow Him in faith that He will provide your needs. I had to muster up every little bit of faith that I had to believe that the Lord would come through for me when I was leaving the church as a paid pastor. I had never really seen the Lord provide for me supernaturally before, so for me to have enough faith to believe that, you know, my mortgage would be paid, and ALL those things would be taken care of if I left the place I was being paid, the church, that took a lot of faith for me. But Jesus did come through. He provided for me my needs and He gave me everything I need to sustain me in order to live for Him. And that is a wonderful blessing to be able to follow Jesus and to know that HE sustains us, NOT our earthly worldly job. Now I just, I do work a job 40 hours a week, and it’s a blessing to be able to work with my hands, not to feel like I am walking on thin ice around people, or that if I offend them, I will get fired. But I have worked more than one job where I felt like I was just walking on thin ice, that if you offend them, then they will be talking to your employer, and you will be pulled into the office and then it’s just going to be trouble for you day after day as a Christian really trying to live upright with the Lord. The best it seems is to have a job where you are working more by yourself, or at very least around people that you don’t have to be worried that you will offend in your Christian walk with the Lord for being yourself in Jesus. You don’t want to be around those environments where everyone is trying to get you to compromise, everyone is trying to get you to lie, you are around people who are always gossiping or trying to get you to stumble in your path, the path of righteousness. So, there is I don’t know, 1000 jobs you could work, 1 million jobs that you could work as a Christian. But the best one is the one that the Holy Spirt will call you to. And if you are where HE wants you to be then no one is going to fire you, nothing is going to happen to you, you are going to be safe and secure with the Holy Spirit because He is the one guiding you. Noting will stop you from going with HIM. The safest place to be is with JESUS, wherever HE is, there YOU want to be also. So, stick with Jesus, ask HIM what you need to do as a Christian to be right with Him. Ask Him about where the best place to be as far as work is for you, a vocation, things like that, and He will teach you and He will guide you. But make sure that you are seeking FIRST the Kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness and THEN everything else will be added unto you.

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