These measurements are crazy

2 years ago

North side of Calgary Stampede (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

In this NCA video, we take EMF radiation measurements from a roof top tower adjacent to the Calgary Stampede north entrance. The tower is deployed with 5G antennas.

The sound in the video is the meter detecting and measuring the radiation.

The meter readings were extreme: peak signal maxed at 6.0 V/m, and peak power output in excess of 42,000 uW/m2.

EMF radiation is generally not an issue through single exposure. The issue derives from accumulative exposure. With so many cellular towers, WiFi and small cell devices, cellular satellites, solar powered 5G drone platforms being deployed, it is becoming more and more difficult for people to avoid accumulative exposure.

Here is the correlation between EMF meter readings (peak signal) and scientifically proven health effects:

What can you do?

NCA suggests that you avoid exposure, and if necessary shield from exposure.

At NCA we realize that many Canadians are uninformed and misinformed about the realities as indicated by their slavish obedience to the multi-controlled political establishment, which is harming them and putting their future in peril.

Therefore, all we can do at NCA is continue to raise awareness, until a critical mass is ready to reclaim the country and whatever may be left of it.

If you want to help us, please share, become a member, make tax deductible donation… obviously, with the sinister Great Reset agenda in the works, the situation is rather serious.

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