Angry Birds Transformers 2.0 - Cosmos - Day 1 - Preview Of Level 25 Cosmos

4 years ago

The Cosmos Event begins . . .

Here is a look at what you can expect from a maxed-out Cosmos. With such a high percentage increase I had high hopes for Cosmos. After playing one round with him the deficiencies were very apparent. The struggle with Boss Pig was unexpected, there are lesser characters that have no problem with him. The multiple shots to take down a Bat Pig among other things was also a disappointment. You can also see that he struggles in a target-rich environment leaving valuable points behind because of an ineffective shot. All in all, I don't see myself purposefully using this character unless I feel bored.

At the end I've included a mission with Mirage, notice the ease in which he handles pretty much everything thrown at him. This is the standard that all new characters should be compared to. . . .so ask yourself. . .how do they compare to Mirage??

Thanks for watching until the end, don’t forget to
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April 23, 2020

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