Qigong Practitioner Uses Infrared Sauna to Maximize the Benefits of his Clients

4 years ago

Tachi Lam is a Qigong Practitioner with http://wujiwellness.com/ They specialize in integrating lymphatic, cranial and energetic medicine.

They have been using the Relax Sauna since 2009 to help their clients relax their muscles and increase their circulation. The sauna helps prepare the body to receive the maximum benefit from their therapies.

​Phillip – Hello, Tashi. Can you tell us your name? And then, tell us what kind of work you do and then we want to talk about how the Relax Sauna, the Relax Far Infrared Sauna, works with hyperbaric oxygen chambers where they embrace with, well… one plus one is more than two. OK? So, you're in the Relax Sauna now. You've had one how long? And then start talking.
Tashi – Alright. Hello. My name is Tashi Lam. I'm a Qigong practitioner. And, I have my own body and energy practice in Gilbert, Arizona at wujiwellness.com if you want to find me. We specialize in integrating lymphatic, cranial and circulation of the inner Chi also. You're talking about energetics. You're talking about meridians. We do rectal therapies and multiple reflexologies. And we're also talking about moving the spinal fluid of the cranial sacral. So, integration of the holistic is what we really, really, really strive for and we educate people on, and how to integrate Tai chi, Qigong into their practice, into their daily maintenance as well as prevention. Right. So, that's what we specialize in.
Phillip – When did you start using the Relax Sauna? And how has it affected your practice?
Tashi - Relax Sauna, we’ve been using it since what, 2009 or so, 7, 8, or 9? And we’ve been using it very successfully in our practice to help our clients relax the nervous system, loosen their muscles, joints and increase the microcirculation. So, that way, when we work on them whether rectal therapy or massage, lymphatic, the body is ready. Right? So, as a chef, your job is to prep the food which makes it easier when you are ready to cook. So, we see the holistic aspect of it, how important it is to make your job easier, as well as to help your clients reach a mental and physical state to receive the deeper healing and the deeper therapy that's possible with what we do
Read more at https://www.relaxsaunas.com/far-infrared-benefits-blog/qigong-practitioner-uses-infrared-sauna-to-maximize-the-benefits-of-his-clients-part-2

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