Brad Kearns: Nose-to-Tail Carnivore, Micro Workouts & His Guiness World Record

4 years ago

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So how are you doing out there? Pretty rough, right?

You feeling a little stressed? I know I am.

But it's important to know, especially during times like these, that at our best we can use this stress and put it to good use instead of letting it completely destroy us.

And a long-range of studies, unfortunately, have shown that chronic stress caused by things like social isolation, long-term unemployment, untreated depression and more can actually shorten your DNA telomeres, which in turn can speed up the aging process and then just wreak havoc on your health in a myriad of ways.

So how can we be proactive and slow or reverse the signs of aging?

Well, to help us out, I figure we might as well invite one of our friends and a modern-day superhero on the show, Mr. Brad Kearns.

Brad is a New York Times bestselling author, host of the Get Over Yourself podcast, and a top-ranked professional triathlete, who, get this, broke a Guinness World Record in speed golf.

And on today’s show we’re discussing:

* How to support male hormone function as we age
* The benefits of micro workouts, I'm a big fan
* What the latest longevity research is telling us
* Why we should be eating nose to tail, especially you carnivores and keto folks out there
* And tons more...

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