Voter discrepancies seen in Edison Research reporting, proof of Election Fraud

2 years ago

1st video is the vote count from Edison Research of Fulton County in Georgia on the night of November 3, 2020 and the following days.
2nd video is Philadelphia in Pennsylvania count from Edison Research on the night of Nobember 3,2020 and the following days. Keep in mind, these vote totals are sent directly to New York Times which is reported on live television which was the count we were seeing on election night.
3rd video is Chester County in Philadelphia from Edison research again which reports directly to the New York Times.
Note the fluctuation, you don’t see this happening in non battleground states, obviously something is running amok because vote totals should not be decreasing at any point.
Quote from Jeff O’Donnell who is the one who produced these videos,
“Humans did not make all these changes or mistakes. This was a computer program runamuck, most likely at Edison. Because they are complicit in the steal.
If we were to wake up tomorrow and there was an elephant in your kitchen, would you need a complete explanation for how that elephant got in your kitchen before you decided it didn't belong there? Of course not.
It is up to Edison Research to explain this data, not me. I have been trying to pull the alarm bell on this for 9 months. I am hoping that these videos get the word out more and someone at a state or county level finally compels Edison to answer for these numbers as well as the "Edison Zero", that point in the middle of the early morning Nov 4th when one by one every state had its vote totals reset to zero.
These videos are evidence of a crime. It's as simple as that.”

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