The 8 Most Significant Messages From the Near-Death Experience (Orig. uploaded 8/2/18 on YouTube)

2 years ago

(This video was originally published on my YouTube channel on August 2, 2018.)

The 8 top messages shared/discussed here from the NDE are:

1. The Primacy of Love
2. Everything Is Connected
3. Karma is Real, So Let’s Strive to Live the Golden Rule
4. You Are An Immortal Soul Having a Human Experience
5. Benevolent Beings Are Wishing Us Well
6. In the Other Realm, Time is Not Linear
7. Anything Is Possible
8. We CAN Create a Better World




Dena Przybyla is a writer and artist who has been a student of the Near-Death Experience since the 1990s. While she has never had an NDE herself, she has heard or read over a thousand Near-Death Experience accounts over the years. The insights brought back by Near-Death Experiencers have informed her spirituality and outlook on life. Dena believes ANYONE can enjoy the spiritual insights and benefits of an NDE without having to have one, and that NDE wisdom has the potential to transform our lives both individually and collectively.

Resources/Recommended Reading:

“Lessons from the Light: What We Can Learn from the Near-Death Experience” – Kenneth Ring

“Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives” – Michael Newton

Food For Thought:

Alternative Cosmology

“200 Proofs the Earth is Not a Spinning Ball” – (book and YouTube video) by Eric Dubay

“The Principle” documentary (2015) – Today’s top scientists reveal the math/CMB data indicates celestial bodies revolve around Earth.

Evidence that our world is a malleable/changeable Multiverse of infinite possibility:

“The Mandela Effect” (Search/explore articles, videos and discussion threads on this topic.)

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