2 years ago

Psalm 119:35 King James Version
35 Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight.


Something about this morning's passage of scripture, deeply challenged my heart, because I need to be reminded that when I allow God to direct my paths, that when I allow Him to be that lamp to my feet and light to my path, the journey I take is not only much safer, but it's that much sweeter. I was also incredibly challenged and convicted by the questions from this morning's devotional, and I'd like to share them with you tonight. Please allow me to ask these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they will challenge your heart, and that God will speak to you through them too.

What are some of the ways you followed your own road map instead of God?

Like a lot of you, I've had moments where I don't use God's road map in my life, but I try to use my own. I get into a situation where I panic, and think I have to solve it myself, and instead of going to the Lord, I try to solve it myself and I make it even worse. I'm sure all of you can relate.

That's why I believe I need to be reminded and I think we all do, to remember what Philippians 4:6-7, as well as I Peter 5:7 states on this matter, and bring these them to the Lord in the first place! This is why
I'd like to share some things with you tonight through this vlog I did today, and I pray that what I share challenges you as well as encourages you. Please join me in this vlog, and learn for yourself what it means to follow God's road map in your life, instead of your own, by allowing him to have complete control of the wheel! 😊

So, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional, and I pray that it encourages you to bring all your cares and concerns to the Lord.

What have you been fretting about?

Is there something going on in your life right now that's really taking up space in your head? Are you going through a family situation, maybe a financial issue, or a job issue, that is really permeating your mind right now and you don't know what to do about it? I urge you so strongly, to go to God and watch what He will do for you and them! Choose to let God direct your paths, to do as the verses of scripture I stated, and lay every care, concern, frustration, and more so at the feet of the Savior, And rest in the knowledge that God's got it! Don't try to do things your own way, or the way somebody else tells you to do it, because it's not gonna work, but choose God's way!!! Remember that with Him at the wheel, it's truly blessed assurance indeed!



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