2 years ago

Everything that Thatcher did in office in the 1980s is still with us - in some form or another
So everything she did is current. Margaret Thatcher is not yesterday’s news in any sense
New Labour under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown was even more Thatcherite than Thatcher herself and added big time to the calamities she engineered
The Tory Party, since its return to power, has remained, of course, one hundred per cent Thatcherite in its general outlook
The legacy she left is a ghastly one. She all but destroyed the nation that I grew up in and loved
It is also sweeping and vast in its compass, touching practically every aspect of politics and society
As a result, I make no apology for presenting the subject of her legacy in three parts
If we want to understand the Britain of today, we must understand how it was reformed by Thatcher in her long term of office.

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