Episode 9 - Contagion, An Introduction

2 years ago

Americanhardmind and Synchronicity introduce and discuss Contagion, including COVID-19 as we near the 2-year anniversary of a "pandemic".

Essential sources include:
Schisms - https://telegra.ph/Schisms-07-08
Viral - https://telegra.ph/V1RAL-07-08
Qua? (BLM): https://telegra.ph/Kw%C3%A4-06-05-2

What was your experience with the pandemic?
What did you think of COVID-19?
How did those around you act and think?
What was the first thing to make you question the narrative?
Did you believe the conspiracies you were hearing, what were they?
What do you believe is next?
Why are there so many who aren't awakened or ignore being so?

The following are the contents and what to expect in subsequent parts:

Part 1: The Pandemic
History of "Pandemics"
Variant Epidemiology: Coronavirus Symptoms/Comorbidity & Mortality/Illness Demographics

Part 2: The Virus
the Coronaviradae Family
Global Distribution of CVs
Zoonosis, or Cross-Species Contagion
Genomics & Modification

Part 3: The Cure
Social Isolationism vs. Astrobiology
Synthetic GMOs vs. Nutrition
Geoengineering vs. Anti-Oxidation & Teratogens
EMFs/DEWs/LRADs vs. Entheogenic (& Respiratory) Protection

Part 4: The Plandemic
Nature, Science & Medicine:
Inhibitory Meds: Invermectin/Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin/Zinc...
Vaccines & Cellular Programming

Geopolitics and the War of the Cabal:
an Open Bioinformatics War and the World Government
the Media Corporatocracy
the Cabal: Epstein/Gates/Fauci/Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden/Trump/CCP

Economics of the Great Reset:
Market Banking
the WHO, Agenda 21 & Sustainable Development
Electing the Great Reset

Tools: A Chaotic Historiography of Psychoticism
Puppets: Attention, Perception & Hypnosis
Machines: Stressing and the Heart
Lemmings & Sociality
Zombies: Manipulation & Mind Control

This is what to expect in Episode 10:
Contagion, Part 1: The Pandemic

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