Elite Dangerous Live INRA Bases part 2

4 years ago

Elite Dangerous Live INRA BASES
Part 2 - Time to revisit the INRA Bases and pick up some items - Part 1 of this journey will deal with. INRA is shrouded in mystery during the first Thargoids war and the development of the Mycoid virus

Carmichael Point
Taylor Keep
Almeida Landing
Velasquez Medical research centre
Hogan Depot
Mayes Chemical Plant
Klatt Enterprises
Hollis gateway
Stuart Retreat

part 1 of this mission : https://youtu.be/gfndZuN96fg

Discord : https://discord.gg/KpbqVMR3

My INRA Play List :

The Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm, commonly known as INRA, was a clandestine paramilitary organization established as a joint Federal-Imperial initiative in 3125. While little is publicly known about INRA, surviving reports from the time indicate it was created to address Thargoid incursions, and that it later developed a chemical weapon to disable Thargoid technology.

In its heyday, INRA was viewed by the public as a symbol of altruism and cooperation, proof of what the superpowers could achieve when they set aside their differences to work together. Behind this optimistic facade, INRA was an unaccountable organization focused solely on progress at any cost, making bigger and more powerful weapons.

Although humanity seemingly repelled the Thargoid threat, INRA continued operating decades after the conflict ended, continuing to pursue its original mandate. The organisation finally disbanded in 3253 after becoming involved in a scandal within Alliance space and falling out of favour with the public and governments alike

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