Brandon Hayes with Ray Huddleston | Quarantine Edition | April 2020

4 years ago

Brandon Hayes sits down with the legendary Ray Huddleston to talk life, cigars and relationships built at Renegade Cigar Lounge.

About Renegade Cigars: In 2014, Brandon Hayes bought Renegade Cigar Lounge with the purpose of providing an environment filled with comfort and quality for his customers. Renegade has become known as the premier location for quality cigars in all of Texas. You will find a well-curated selection of premium cigars and supplies. Each cigar is hand-rolled to perfection. Every cigar lover will enjoy an atmosphere that centers around pure enjoyment of the cigar.

Renegade has become so popular that in 2017, Davidoff selected Renegade to be a premiere location for customers seeking professional help with selecting their particular cigar choices. At Renegade Cigar Lounge you will only have the best customer service that will help novices and experienced cigar lovers to unwind and meet new people as they enjoy their choice cigar.

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