CNN just called Biden a LIAR on his Gun Actions... Did HELL just freeze over?

3 years ago

#2A #guncontrol #biden #democrats #gungrab
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In this video, we discuss how CNN of all places called Biden out on his LIES in his Gun Executive Order announcements. Hell may be freezing over people! Let's discuss!

Articles for Review:

Gun manufacturers and liability

Biden claimed that "the only industry in America -- a billion-dollar industry -- that can't be sued -- has exempt from being sued -- are gun manufacturers."
Facts First: This is false. Gun manufacturers are not entirely exempt from being sued, nor are they only industry with some liability protections.

Other industries also have some exemptions in liability. For example, vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable in a civil suit for damages from a vaccine-related injury or death.

Background checks and gun shows

“Biden claimed that "If you walk into a store and you buy a gun, you have a background check. But you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want and no background check."

Facts First: This framing from Biden is misleading, since it leaves the false impression that gun shows are exempt from background check laws. Purchases at gun shows are not exempt from background checks, which are required on purchases from licensed gun dealers whether you are in a gun store, a gun show or anywhere else. Only purchases from private sellers, whether at a gun show or elsewhere, do not require a background check in most states.”

Red flag laws and suicides

“Biden touted so-called red flag laws, also known as Extreme Risk Protection Order laws, which allow people to ask a court to temporarily remove guns from people believed to be a danger to themselves or others. He said that states with red flag laws have "seen a reduction in the number of suicides in their states."

“This needs context. Research on this subject is limited, some of the available research data is mixed, and suicide rates have increased around the US in the 21st century.
The national US suicide rate has increased significantly since 1999, though there was a slight decline in 2019. Suicide numbers have worsened in both states with red flag laws and states without red flag laws.”

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