Gun Control smacked around by... the British...

3 years ago

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In today's video, we discuss how even the British are seeing the flaws in the gun control lobby's ideas and how they simply will not work. Let's discuss people!

Articles for Review:

The Guardian:

Can an assault weapons ban reduce killings if firearms last 100 years?

- “When firearms are recovered by law enforcement because of their use or suspected use in a crime, the weapons are recorded in a database along with the date of their first retail sale. The amount of time between those two events is known as the “time to crime” and is published by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).”
- “Averages can be misleading, though: the range here is pretty vast – guns can be recovered days or decades after purchase. But it is relevant to note that in only 7% of cases were the guns recovered less than three months since the purchase date.”
- “Firearms remain operational for a century or more, further complicating any path to reform in a country with the highest gun ownership rate per capita in the world.”

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