How will Biden's Executive Actions impact the Gun community?...

3 years ago

#biden #democrats #guncontrol #executiveorders
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In this video, we dive a little bit deeper into Biden's Executive Orders today. Overall, there is a lot to follow up on... but this sounds like a lot more bark than bite...

Articles for Review:

USA Today

As a candidate, Biden pledged to reinstate an assault weapons ban, create a voluntary gun buyback program and send a bill to Congress to repeal liability protections for gun manufacturers and close background check loopholes on his first day in office. 

- compile data around firearms tracking
- 30 days to come up with suggestions on ghost guns and background checks
- 60 days to come up with pistol braces (NFA)
- Establish a MODEL for red flag laws
- Direct monies in the infrastructure bill around violence prevention programs
- new ATF director... this is a focal point

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