Hunter Biden Gun Felony… He just proved our point on Gun Control…

3 years ago

#biden #guncontrol #democrats #2a
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In this video, we discuss how Hunter Biden just proved the gun control measures that his father is trying to push on the American people...

Articles for Review:

Gun Control Poll: Rasmussin

“The latest Rasmussen Reports survey said by a margin of 51% to 39% that “stricter gun control laws” will not prevent shootings like the one in Boulder.
In two other questions, the survey indicated that the public is eager for another answer than more anti-gun laws.
For example, likely voters surveyed, 49% to 46%, said the nation does not need more gun laws.
And in a second about whether it is “completely possible to prevent mass shootings,” a significant 64% said “no,” including 53% of Democrats.”

Washington Examiner:

“Biden’s struggle with drug addiction has long been documented, with him being discharged from the Navy Reserve in 2014 for failing a drug test.”

“President Joe Biden’s son Hunter may have committed a felony offense by reportedly stating he does not use or is addicted to drugs on a background check for a firearm.
“Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” a background check asked of the younger Biden. He reportedly answered, “No,” Politico reported Thursday.”

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