Dems think the NRA is dead and the 2nd Amendment with it… They just don’t get it…

3 years ago

#guncontrol #2A #biden #HR8 #HR1446 #democrats
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In this video, we discuss how the Left is delighting that the NRA is struggling and they equate it as weakness on the 2nd amendment. They could not be more wrong...

Articles for reference:


“John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, pointed in particular to Democratic wins in the 2018 midterms while running openly for gun control as evidence the politics are changing.
“Democrats are in control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. The NRA is in the weakest shape it’s ever been,” he said. “It’s become clear that gun-safety laws aren’t only good life-saving policies, they’re good politics.””

““I think the implosion of the NRA, the growing support among the American people and the inevitability of increased support gives us an opportunity we haven’t had before,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said last week. He added: “What’s changed is we now have a president who can put pressure on our colleagues.””


“Advocates affiliated with those groups argue the chance for action in Congress and elsewhere in the federal government has never been better, in part because public support for changes have steadily increased after Newtown, Conn., and subsequent shootings and in part because of the implosion of the once-mighty National Rifle Association.”

York Dispatch:

“They’re also heartened by the declining influence of the NRA, which filed for bankruptcy this year after being outspent by gun-control groups for the first time during the 2018 election.”

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