Politicians Do Not Have the Right to Take away OUR RIGHTS

4 years ago

Something very frightening has been revealed in America. The majority of its citizens are simply doing what they're told without any hesitation. For too long Christians have put their lives into the hands of the secular world. Yet if they would have enough gumption, intelligence, self-accountability they would research. They would discover there are many medical experts who are totally contradicting what we're being told by other medical professionals and politicians. If we as Christians disagree with their deductions than immediately they label us as murderers because we might be spreading the virus. Yet from the very beginning everybody was told that eventually, everybody will have this virus. There's plenty of videos online that have these talking heads declaring these very facts. Thank God there are some of us that are not so naïve or gullible. Honestly, I do not believe 99% of what the politicians or the fake media are trying to feed us.
Dr. Michael H Yeager

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