January 6th Deception Implodes

2 years ago

Bowne Report

The future of American Providence is being diverted by a spineless tax money pit salesman from California known as Adam SCHIFF and his fellow committee members who have lost all sight of the will, questions, and evidence of the American people.

As the Washington Times reported "Rep. Adam B. Schiff, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, wants a defense policy bill to include language blocking Congress from oversight of the military and National Guard in some cases of domestic deployment. The exemption from congressional oversight is narrowly focused on the domestic deployment of troops, but Mr. Schiff’s free pass for the Pentagon could impact a range of oversight from border security to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol."

Protecting the January 6th Committee sham which no one is watching from further scrutiny once Congress is turned on its head after November. Ray Epps not Joe Biggs or Jacob Chansley should be the poster boy for the supposed insurrection on January 6th. As Revolver news reported "Ray Epps has turned out to be perhaps the only person nailed dead to rights confessing on camera to plotting a pre-planned attack on the Capitol. On both January 5 and January 6, Epps announced multiple times, at multiple locations, his upcoming plot to breach the US Capitol. He then spent hours attempting to recruit hundreds of others to join him. On top of it all, Epps was seen leading key people and managing key aspects of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds himself.'

During the fog of war of the events following January 6, Ray Epps and the actors surrounding him were hunted by the FBI and the New York Times. Now Epps isn't even mentioned during the January 6th hearings and the New York Times has painted him as a victim of Conspiracy theorists.

Meanwhile 69 year old grandmother Pam Hemphill from Idaho with breast cancer and no criminal history just began her 60 day sentence. Your Government wants you to know it hates you as they cover up further evidence. According to the Intercept, "The Secret Service erased text messages from January 5 and January 6, 2021....Though the Secret Service maintains that the text messages were lost as a result of a “device-replacement program,” the letter says the erasure took place shortly after oversight officials requested the agency’s electronic communications."

Schiff's hypocrisy fed by a wellspring of bottomless cowardice has mutated into unyielding events devoid of consideration of America's foundational origins and the destiny of its people.

The United States wasn’t forged by bug eyed corporate prostitutes. The actions of Black freeman Crispus Addux, the Revolutionary fortitude of the patriots of the Boston Tea Party, and the invigorating human spirit imbued in the Declaration of Independence are alien concepts to those who would twist the very character of our nation to fulfill the half baked whims of their foreign globalist masters. If we are truly concerned about the future of this Republic. It is Adam Schiff and his fellow conspirators on the January 6th Committee who should truly be investigated revealing the fullest extent of their true intentions and the damage they have already wrought against the American people.





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