Dutch Farmers are fighting Fascism, you should be too!

2 years ago

The last three weeks have seen Dutch farmers rising up against anti-scientific limits on nitrogen fertilizers and livestock. Neither of these limits have any chance of success, in fact the consequences of their adoption is going to be ecological destruction and human suffering.

But that's what the fascists ('The marriage between corporate and state power - Benito Mussolini) in the Dutch government and WEF, et al, want. They're the leaders of an international 'suicide cult' that doesn't care how much ecological damage or suffering they cause.

German farmers have joined the protest and Canadian farmers and truckers are joining as well. It's time fascism was consigned to the garbage bin of history where it belongs.

A failure to oppose these measures will introduce everyone to two phenomenon the world has worked long and hard to eradicate; slavery and hunger.

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