#03 Religion

2 years ago

We live and breathe in this verse, what is above or below is part of our clockwork.

Abraham’s family tree. (2008, March 4). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham%27s_family_tree

Oakes, J. (2008, June 10). Where and when did Islam originate? Did Ishmael, son of Abraham start this religion? – Evidence for Christianity. Evidence for Christianity – Evidence for Christianity Website. https://evidenceforchristianity.org/where-and-when-did-islam-originate-did-ishmael-son-of-abraham-start-this-religion/

Landau, Y. (2015). God as multiple covenanter. Cross Currents, 65(1), 57-78. doi:10.1111/cros.12110

(2022, May 30). YourMorals. https://www.yourmorals.org/

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