The Blood - by Erin Reilly (Lyric Video)

2 years ago

Song by Erin Reilly
Guitars by Jim Cruz
Copyright 2022

This song is about freedom…true, eternal freedom; a gift that nothing in this world can offer nor take away. It is the power of God through Jesus Christ that we are set free once and for all. Because He paid the debt in full by dying on the cross for our sin and defeating hell on our behalf, so also are we free from the sting of death and the bondage of sin in this life when we believe and trust in Jesus Christ. Deliverance, healing and redemption is possible through Christ alone! The Power of God is REAL, and it is your’s by grace through faith. Do you want to be free? Call on Jesus Christ now and let Him do a new work in and through you.

I hear the sound of shackles falling
The blood of Jesus sets us free
I see the fiercest giants dropping
The blood of Jesus sets us free

What can erase these stains?
What can relieve this pain?
Where is the light amid this dark surrounding?

What ends relentless fears
Restores the wasted years
Dries up this gulf of tears, we’re drowning in?

But death, oh death has lost its sting
That rugged nailed pierced tree
Testifies the power of our King

I hear the sound of shackles falling
The blood of Jesus sets us free
I see the fiercest giants dropping
The blood of Jesus sets us free

What’s this astounding grace
that washed our sin that separates
Our wicked ways from God almighty
What is this covenant
That broke the curse of death so imminent
Brought forth this peace of standing righteous in His eyes?

Now death has lost its sting
That rugged nailed pierced tree
Testifies the power of our King

The Blood heals afflictions
The Blood cast out demons
The Blood ends addictions
Every curse shall break
The Blood spilled to save us
The Blood of Christ Jesus
The Blood truly frees us

What speaks a better word
The sweetest song I’ve heard
Purchased by the spotless lamb
The end of satan’s reign
A Man hell can’t contain
Oh church exalt the Great I Am
The Great I Am

I hear the sound of shackles falling
The blood of Jesus sets us free
I see the fiercest giants dropping
The blood of Jesus sets us free

INSTAGRAM: ErinReilly_Music

#christianmusic #christianrock #thebloodofjesus #jesus

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