Economic Crisis 2020: Coronavirus Lockdown Effects

4 years ago

It would be easy enough to pass the blame off on the current coronavirus lockdown effects on the economy, whilst it certainly has made its own impact, as I have argued, the economic crisis of 2020 was long coming.

Whilst I acknowledge the importance of social distancing and I agree that the virus was to be taken seriously, I also believe that there has been a lot more to what led to such a lockdown than simply just a virus. From predictions I have seen elsewhere, it doesn't sound good for the world economy and there isn't a gold war going on for nothing.

You can see from the economic war going on with the United States and China that things are escalating and I do find it rather coincidental that the country that was trying to impose laws on the Hong Kong people to extradite them if they stepped out of line it is rather suspicious how everything panned out.

That is not to say that the virus isn't genuine, but for me it seems there is a whole lot more than just a virus and this isn't in reference to the lockdown causing such economic woes, but what has been long coming for over a century.

The economic crisis of 2020 has certainly undone the past decade in Britain of reducing spending and from my prediction, the government will carry out the bailouts that will exacerbate the economic crisis further down the line for something much worse than what people think.

No economy can sustain Keynesian economics for that length of time without expecting to face some serious economic crisis and I feel we will eventually face that sooner rather than later.

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