Afternoon Meditaion- relax-energizing music

2 years ago

Video Topic : || Relaxing Music By Spirituality || 24/7
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#Meditationmusic #Realaxymusic #Spirituality
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It's the afternoon, and the day is only going to get tougher. You're already thinking about what you have to do tomorrow. You're thinking about how much further you have to go before you can finally be done for the day.  The challenge today is to fight the challenges of today with optimistic determination, so you can face brighter days in the future. Dustin from provides some instrumental afternoon meditation music so you can focus your energies on being grateful in order to achieve happiness and success in your life.
The best way to calm your mind is through meditation. To convince yourself of this simple truth, I have recorded a bad rendition of an imaginative new age song by the same name 'Afternoon Meditation,' with some binaural beats thrown in. The reason why I'm so committed to meditation is because it can change your life for the better. So get on it!
This is some music I listen to for meditation. It's not really designed for "relaxing" as it may sound more energetic than that, but regardless of what you're doing (even if it's 24 hr game jam), I hope you enjoy it and find it soothing.

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