Make Your First Roblox Game

2 years ago

Today we are going to get a Roblox account, download Roblox studio, and start making games! First, go to and you'll get the home page. If you have an account just log in, if not, create an account.

Create tab
start creating - downloads Roblox studio (which is what you use to create games) - Roblox player is used to play games

Make sure you are on the "New" tab
You have templates here which your are free to explore - some have things already build in and you can add to it.

Select Baseplate
hold right mouse button to look around

Home tab -> part -> sphere
zoom in and zoom out with W or S or spin mouse wheel
A and D moves you view right or left

Hit play use use Studio's test server
W goes forward
A left
D right
S back
space bar for jump

Kick the ball, some physics is alread built in

Save your game, File -> Publish to Roblox (save to file save to your computer)
Name: My First Game

It's still private
next time you log into Roblox studio, you'll be able continue with this game

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