Combat Community Goal Elite Dangerous LIVE

3 years ago

The Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah'Sine has declared war against the Marlinism Reformation Party in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system. Political relations degenerated into open combat following the NMLA's recent attacks, with Acting First Minister Amrita Ross's efforts to negotiate a peaceful resolution proving unsuccessful. A new megaship, Freedom's Voice, has entered service. It is acting as the operational base for the forces of the Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah'Sine. Minister Octavia Volkov announced in parliament: "Aaron Whyte and his collaborators are directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. I will not rest until they are defeated and brought to justice." The Alliance, Empire and Federation have informed the Marlinist Consulate that they consider this conflict to be a strictly internal matter. The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday the 19th of August 3307. If one faction meets its objectives earlier than planned, the initiatives will end immediately.


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