Frontlines: Fuel of War (Xbox 360) Gameplay

2 years ago

I had to leave the intro in there. Remember when this kind of thing used to sound like some far-off imaginary fiction? I miss those days.

Anyway, I have yet to play very far into the single player mode of this game, but it's not bad for what it is. Think of an objective-based shooter, but off the rails. Whereas Call of Duty does similar things, and leads you down a tunnel, Frontlines opens it up, and lets you go about the objectives how you want to. You aren't forced down the exact same path, into the exact same building, the exact same way every time. You can actually choose what buildings you want to go into or not, and what route you want to take. I really like the openness of choice in this game.

The gunplay feels pretty good too, and the online mode was basically Battlefield 2, but was still really fun. I remember downloading and playing the online demo that let you play the game online against other players, and really liking it. All around a solid game.

It may not have so-called "AAA-game" set pieces or story elements, but that's OK, it still plays well, and has a good feel. Plus, most "AAA games" suck anyway. Overrated garbage I've played for the last two decades. Things really haven't changed since the 7th gen design-wise. There are obviously a few exceptions here and there, but most games aren't that good anymore if you ask me.

#Frontlines #FuelofWar #Gameplay

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