Channel Update: Bringing Gameplay Samples Back

3 years ago

I am still alive, to the disappointment of a couple people out there....

I have decided to bring back straight Gameplay Samples to my main channel. It's a means to keep active on this channel, and to showcase games to my subscribers. As I discuss in the video, I only have my Laptop with me at the moment, and none of my consoles, or the rest of my collection, so for the time being, I can only show ya'll games in my Steam collection, and by games in my Steam Collection I mean, First Person Shooters, and mostly 90's shooters at that.

The gameplay footage in this video is taken from the Quake 64 add on that is available to Steam owners who own Quake in their Library. I've been meaning to pick up the N64 version of the game for years, owning the PC, and Saturn versions previously.

#QuakeRemastered #Quake64 #Quake(1996) #GameplaySamples #NoCommentaryGameplaySamples

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