Samurai Showdown III: Blades of Blood (PS1) Gameplay Sample

3 years ago

I edited out the long load times to make this footage more palatable for viewers. hey aren't the worst load times I have ever seen, but between the victory taunt screen, and the next fighter screen, it takes just under a minute between matches.

Here is another good example of a solid 2D effort on the PS1. Again, I know with the cuts to the animations, it pales in comparison to the Neo Geo/Arcade version, and the Saturn version, but if you happen across the PS1 version, you'll still find a solid, playable game.

This is a good port of the game, but offers no-frills when it comes to extras. No unlockable, characters (there is a code to play as Zankuro), or anything to the like. Just a solid port of the game.

Note: I'm playing this on the default difficulty setting of 4. I was playing it on easy in the footage I didn't use, but the opponents would barely attack me. I still suck at this game, but I beat it nonetheless.

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