Galaga: Destination Earth (PS1) Gameplay Sample

3 years ago

Argh!!! I still can't beat the second level in this game, and if you watch till the end, I was so close this time.

I covered this in my Spotlight: Atari-Aged Remakes for the PS1 video:

As you can see, they really did try to do something new here, and the game definitely has an interesting mixture of classic Galaga, Rail Shooter, and side scrolling Shmup. I just wish I didn't have to restart the level because I split second missed one item. Dumb. I like this game, but it's nothing special. It's worth a cheap buy though, but isn't the best Atari-Aged Remake for the PS1. You can have some fun with it though.

If you are interested in buying a physical copy, why not use my affiliate link to do so: if not, no worries, order it however you see fit.

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