Open Arena (PC/Linux/Mac) Gameplay Sample

3 years ago

I first played Open Arena on a PC that was running Ubuntu around 2006 or 2007, and was amazed to find it was a free version of Quake III Arena that runs on Windows, Linux, and even Mac OS systems.

You can download this game for free from it's official website here:

If you aren't aware of what Open Arena is, according to Wikipedia:

"The OpenArena project was established on August 19, 2005, one day after the id Tech 3 source code released under GNU GPL-2.0-or-later license...

...OpenArena's gameplay attempts to follow Quake III Arena: score frags to win the game using a balanced set of weapons each designed for different situations, with just minor changes to the rules enabled by default (like awarding a character for "pushing" another character to their death)."

This game is basically an open-source Quake III, and as you can see from this bod deathmatch I am playing, it can be hectic. There are even obvious Quake series maps to frag on. I even just came aware of Open Arena Live which is like the original Quake Live, a free browser arena shooter.

When it comes to free FPS games, it doesn't get much better than an open-source Quake III Arena.

#OpenArena #QuakeIII #FreeGame

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