Dante's Inferno: Divine Edition (PS3) Gameplay Sample

3 years ago

I first played this game on the Xbox 360 via a demo off of Xbox Live, and at the time, I wasn't very impressed with it. However, after playing the full game, my mind has changed on this issue. This is footage of my third playthrough of the game, using all my earned upgrades from my fist playthrough.

Dante's Inferno is loosely based on Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem, a part of The Divine Trilogy, and is a classic piece of literature, that is even included to read in the game if you choose to do so.

This is essentially a blatant God of War Rip-off, but that doesn't make it a bad game at all. In fact, it's very good game in it's own right, irregardless of that fact. I knew there was something up when I decided to just pop the game in for a playtest, and a couple of hours went by.

Basically, Dante trades the Greek Mythology setting, for a Catholic Theology setting, and the story is very compelling as a result. The gameplay, which mirrors GoW right down to the controls is smooth, and addictive, but no without it's faults. There are some frustrating insta-death portions in the game, and the overall experience is super linear. There is a scene later in the game that I rather hated my first time through which I played on the medium difficulty setting, but was easier on my second run thanks to a smart design choice.

Throughout the game, you can purchase upgrades, new moves, abilities, and upgrades for those abilities, however, when you beat the game, you can choose to keep all your upgrades for the next playthrough of the game. This gives you incentive to play though the game multiple times as you won't earn enough points to buy all the upgrades in your first two playthroughs. If the game gets too frustrating, you can adjust the difficulty at any time during the gameplay, in the case you need to swallow your pride, and lower the difficulty on a tough boss.

My suggestion, play your first playthough on the easiest setting, buy a bunch of upgrades, and then play on a harder difficulty. I played my first time through on medium settings, and did manage to beat it, but the game becomes a lot easier once you earn those upgrades. On the harder settings, like this footage, playing on the second-from-hardest setting, I did die a couple of times still.

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by this game, and still might do a full review on it, as I did record my second playthrough. We will see, time permitting.

#DantesInferno #VisceralGames #PS3

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