Winking Cat Treasure Hunt // Elite Dangerous

3 years ago

Winking Cat Treasure Hunt // Elite Dangerous
Its that time of year again and we go on the Winking Cat Treasure Hunt of 2021. lots up or grabs.

Here are the Part 1 GALNET articles
Achilles Corporation! A fanciful place

Where prdfit is power, no room for grace

Its namesake was felled by a lucki arrow

As this corporation’s fortune grows narrow

Surveillance is the crime for which it must pay

Monitoring those who dare get in tho way

For figures too mighty to speak of aloud

Each secret indeed is o-so loud

A prototype robot Achilles did lose

To a merry thief who can take what they shoose

And now to you, my friend, a share of the spoils

Some goodies and gifts to help in your toils


An Imperial family of decadent wealth

Rules trillions of people in public and in stealth

No matter the troubles ef the common folk

This timelass bloodline will never go broke

But currency comes in many forms

Knowledge, culture, the will to perform

In peace and to war, a leeder is strong

That heeds lessons of those in history’s sxng

But a fleet? A fleet of beautiful chrome!

That carry the orders of the blessed throne

Surely an Emperor can spare a few craft

To ride on the zea, exploring the path

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Detective Erik Gunnarson has claimed that the Winking Cat thief has something planned for the weeks ahead.

“After our investigation into the Jokers’ Deck gambling circle, Wolfe and I were hired to track down their stolen ceremonial playing card. The good news is that we now have the card in our possession. We can hardly claim credit, however: it was posted to us by the one who stole it!”

“The ancient joker card arrived via a courier service, with no data as to its point of origin. But the playing card now has text stamped on the back, which I’m convinced is intended to be a public message.”

“It simply reads ‘The hunt is on!’ and is followed by two sets of numbers:

‘1, 2, 3: 16th to 30th’

‘4, 5, 6: 23rd to 6th’.

At the bottom is a drawing of – you guessed it – a smirking, winking cat’s face.”

“It’s speculation, of course, but some of these numbers must be dates. Perhaps this ‘hunt’ is scheduled to happen over the next three weeks. Are we being invited to hunt the Winking Cat, or will something else be the prize?”

“The feline thief has been busy of late, purloining everything from prized artwork to prototype robots. Entertainment mogul Oscar Goldsun recently reported that his private collection of rarities had been hit, and there are rumours that WorldCraft corporation’s vaults were somehow broken into. How that crime spree connects to this message is a mystery that we’ve yet to crack.”

#EliteDangerous #EliteDangerousOdyssey #WinkingCat

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