Mind Control Is Nothing New | Overcoming Cabal Elites in the USA [youtube shadowbanned]

2 years ago

Klaus Schwab & pals are also drooling over the potential of hacking the brain combined with carbon tracking to put your lights on auto-off when you don't comply with hive mind.
We go over why somewhat here, but it's a band-aid over a Faultline. It will seem a bit tin foil, and my Iran getting nukes comparison wasn't as sharp as I riffed it to be but stick around. It bounces back.

I'm a cross-genre musician, visual designer, videographer/producer, and employ my A/V studio to bring to light some of the most existential issues of the greater world at work behind the staged games, the Governing forces behind the government, the actual metaverse behind the VR you are buying, but my world revolves around my relationship with my Wife who is pure divinity embodied.
She is the center of my bhakti






Some of my Jessica's world. We form one studio superpower.
My opinions do not necessarily reflect her views.
She is a sync specialist and composes full works for all kinds of media, including placement with Discovery Channel & MTV.
She has entered successfully into video game soundtracks and loves it.
Talk to her about your project.



#mkultra #darpa #chinanews

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