Faith-Minded Not Double-Minded | Sermon 02/13/2022

2 years ago

James 1:5-8

James writes to the scattered Jewish Christians that although trials leading to endurance will result in a completeness at the end of their lives, for now, if they lack wisdom to reach that end they are to ask of God for it. The Bible shows there are two types of wisdom: worldly and heavenly. God gives generously and abundantly to the humble Christian who asks with sincerity.

God gives freely without reproach, not counting past sins or errors against us in the request. But God requires we ask in full faith without doubting, knowing our God is able and will supply all our needs according to His will. Believers have moments of doubting throughout their Christian walks but James begins to describe the kind of man who’s driven not by the wisdom of God but by his own, which tosses him here and there like the waves of the sea.

That kind of two-faced man who uses religion to benefit him in the moments of need is unstable and not grounded on the rock of Christ. The unbelieving, doubting, double-minded man will not receive wisdom from the Lord; in fact, it says he can expect not to receive anything.

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