No One Lives Forever (PS2) Gameplay Sample

2 years ago

NOTE: You can turn the aim-assist off if you want, I just chose not to for this footage.

Monolith's early FPS games are all cult-hit status, and NOLF is another solid FPS game from them with a cool Austin-Powers/James Bond influence. I have never beaten this game, but I have played far into it in years past.

The full name is The Operative: No One Lives forever, but most people forget the first part of the name. This is a PC-to-PS2 port of a cult-classic Monolith FPS game, and, though I have still yet to play the PC version, I do like the PS2 version. There have been some obvious changes for the PS2 version over the PC version, but I'm not sure what changes were made outside of the obvious control/auto-aim changes. Even back in 2002, they really had not figured out optimal FPS control on the PS2, tuning the aiming analog stick smoothly enough to either not-use, or lessen the auto aim. For a while there the myth was that the PS2 controller wasn't good for FPS games, and somehow the Xbox controller was better, or more accurate. This obviously wasn't true, but that is the myth put forward by the mainstream gaming media, and forum trolls. There are much smoother, more optimized PS2 FPS games that control way more accurately than NOLF, but even then, NOLF's controls are decent.

Obviously, the PC version of the game would be the best version to get, but even with the flaws and changes, the PS2 version is still a solid FPS game that is worth a look. I know there were a lot of complaints at the time from PC gamers snubbing this and any PC-to-console port, but even if the PS2 version is the downgraded version, it's still a solid buy for any PS2 collectors looking for a unique, change-of-pace game.

#NoOneLivesForever #PS2 #Gameplay #NOLF

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