Emerald Robinson - Stubborn Questions For Election Fraud Deniers, 3882

2 years ago

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Good evening, I’m still reporting on coup.

Emerald Robinson has hit another one out of the journalistic park today. Writing on her substack, she chastised Democrats who just refuse to admit that the 2020 presidential elections were obviously and rampantly crooked – crooked enough to be totally responsible for installing a crooked senator as the leader of the free world who, 20 years ago, was intellectually in the bottom 10 percent of Congress 20 years ago. Today that resident of the White House would be ranked dead last.

As Robinson points out, these are the same Democrats who insisted that not only did election fraud exist in 2017, 18, and 2019 , but that it has been a very big problem – possibly before that.

Unfortunately for the Desperado party, video tape did exist way back 5 years ago:

[insert, Kamala, Amy & Ron Wyatt]

So question #1 is, according to Robinson:

“Why do Democrats continue to insist that election fraud does not exist — and that such ‘baseless claims’ have been “debunked….?”

Question #2:
Why were 78 million American votes – about half the total vote supposedly cast - sent overseas the night of election 2020 to a bankrupt Spanish company in Barcelona called SCYTL to be processed? Why is the U.S. Defense Dept. SCYTL’s biggest customer? Why did the Defense Dept. outsource the counting of half of vote in the United States presidential election, anyway? In fact, why is the Defense Dept. involved in counting a single vote?

SCYTL has a record of setting up bad voting systems. In 2019, the Swiss abandoned SCYTL after a public code review discovered errors in the source-code that would allow the system’s operator to alter votes without being detected. According to Robinson:

“When we talk about our elections, we have to talk about "chain of custody." You would never allow our precious votes to be sent overseas to be counted in foreign countries by foreign companies if you cared about security. That would be the opposite of election security.”

On election night, why were election observers barred from entering vote counting stations? That’s exactly what election observers are there to prevent! When I was an election observer – as a youthful Democrat in the 1970s – we had a list of the top Democrat attorneys in the county which we were to call if we noticed one single suspicious incident. These attorneys would immediately be in touch with a judge who could swoop in with an immediate injunction to fix whatever malfeasance was going on.

Worst of all, why did vote counting stop in the early morning hours of election night simultaneously in all six of the swing states – all of whom President Trump was ahead in by large margins? This was absolutely without precedent in U.S. history. Why has no organ of government offered any sort of plausible explanation of this event?

Why? Because at the top levels of government everyone knows it’s a shell game. According to Robinson:

“… our election companies … they’re just shell companies. They routinely get “bought out” by private equity firms with shadowy boards after elections are held. … the cards must be shuffled again. It’s a trick.”

“… the entire US voting system is basically a labyrinth of shell companies designed to obscure who owns those machines. They are privately-owned and mostly unregulated and totally fake. … the entire system is designed to disguise itself.”

So, how many electronic voting machines are still illegally hooked up to the Internet? Have you heard about a single one having it’s electronic connections severed from any possibility of outside manipulation? No! Not a single incident of reform has been celebrated, as far as I have heard.

With all of these absolutely smoking guns, why are they all still way too hot to touch? According to Robinson:

“What are the chances that the CIA and the NSA and DHS are unaware that US election votes are being handled by foreign nationals in foreign countries? The answer to that question is: zero.

“Why would our vaunted intelligence agencies allow this situation to occur in the first place? Who exactly is hiding behind all these shell companies?”

This month, I celebrate my 50th year in the field of professional news reporting. I’ve watched this increasing reliance on electronic voting machines develop over the years. When I first saw an electronic voting machine, I knew right then and there that this was going to be trouble.

Forsaking paper balloting and hand counting every paper ballot on into the wee hours of election night in every precinct in the United States is a big task, but is a time honored tradition. It was the one night of the year, where it was ok to stay up all night if need be. It was each individual’s patriotic duty!

We have always managed to complete that task and feel relatively sure that with the exception of a few irregularities here and there, on balance the system was just too big, too cumbersome – and had too many people in it – to be dominated from the top down without hundreds of thousands of those pesky poll watchers screaming their heads off in every local county newspaper and every local radio station in the nation if mischief was really afoot. That was then, during the centuries of the old paper ballot system.

In election 2020, the most obviously mysterious stuff happened and nobody seems to care about fixing it. Yeah, they complain about it, but it’s like complaining about hot weather during July. Everyone knows there is nothing that can be done but complain amongst your core group of friends and family and then move on.

And my suspicion is that at the top strata of the political and bureaucratic movers and shakers in the U.S. government, they know that if they stick their heads up and try to do something about this, they will quickly get the political equivalent of the Whack-a-Mole sledge hammer on top of their heads.

My sense is that the reason the Desperados aren’t saying anything about election 2020 is they know for sure that the Masters of the Universe will certainly send their vote-shifting algorithms their way come the next election. So better to keep one’s mouth shut and head down lest the Nazgûls put them on their next election hit list.

"Nine he gave to Mortal Men, proud and great, and so ensnared them. Long ago they fell under the dominion of the One, and they became Ringwraiths, shadows under his great Shadow, his most terrible servants. Long ago. It is many a year since the Nine walked abroad. Yet who knows? As the Shadow grows once more, they too may walk again."

—-Gandalf explaining the Nazgûl to Frodo

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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