Black (PS2) Gameplay

2 years ago

Black is a good F game, but I don't consider it to be the best F on the 2. There are quite a few more F games I like better, but Black is still really good, so I don't want people to think I'm bashing it.

The graphics look great for a 2 game, especially with widescreen and progressive scan on, and the controls are solid, even if the aiming speed is a bit slow, and cannot be changed. I'm guessing this was to keep the framerate better during gameplay.

I do like the hidden objectives in each level, and they give you a reason to come back and play, even after you have beaten the game. Gives me almost a Goldeneye type of vibe with the extra objectives.

Good game, one of the best F games on the 2, and some would say the absolute best, either way, it's worth checking out if you have somehow missed this one.

#Black #2 #Gameplay

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