King's Field: The Ancient City (PS2) Gameplay Sample

2 years ago

Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Demon souls, all great games in their own rights, but I've always been a huge fan of the King's Field series as well. These games were always games that you either loved, or hated. At least for the time, gamers who could get past the slow-plodding gameplay, and sluggish feeling controls were greeted with a rewarding RPG with terrific atmosphere. From Software's early games were definitely for gamer's with niche tastes in gaming whether it be King's Field, Armored Core, Echo Night, and etc. Hardcore niche gamer's loved From's games at the time, but mainstream gamers didn't quite get them. They were an acquired taste until Demon Souls exploded into the mainstream.

I haven't played to far into King's Field IV. It's one of those games I've been meaning to play through for years. I'm happy to have my copy of the game, and may someday play through it, and finish it. Again, I love the KF franchise, and also really liked Eternal Ring as well. I wouldn't necessarily to Demon/Dark Souls fans, or even Elden Ring fans, because they are still an acquired taste. Great series if you can look past the wonky controls, and slow gameplay.

#KingsFieldIV #FromSoftware #Gameplay

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