Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom (Xbox 360) Gameplay

2 years ago

You might remember the first two Kingdom Under Fire games on the original Xbox as kind of strategy/Dynasty Warriors type of games, but Circle of Doom was a change of pace for the series, taking a more hack n' slash RPG approach. This game got unfairly destroyed by the gaming media of it's day, and it's actually a solid game, with a very deep item synthesis system (which I don't show), and some addictive hack n' slash RPG gameplay. Underneath your life bar is a stamina bar which depletes as you attack, so you have to wait till it replenishes before you can attack again (Think King's Field, or Secret of Mana for a retro reference).

I have never played very far into this game, but not because I didn't want to, I just always get sidetracked. I know that looking backwards, people may try to compare it to the Souls games, even though it hit first, and while not totally comparable, it's still a solid action-RPG in it's own right, and it is definitely an underrated Gem in the Xbox 360's library.

This game it way better than the mental midgets of the mainstream gaming websites and magazines reviewed it to be. Their scores for this game are just incredibly uninformed and terrible.

#KingdomUnderFire #Xbox360 #Gameplay

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